Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My Favorite Inauguration Twitters

While watching the inauguration coverage I decided it would be fun to hit update as often as possible and read the twitter updates, here are some of my favorites:

ponk Ahhh, finally. The White House is getting a brazilian to get rid of that nasty Bush.

Andy Affleck
aaffleck More people will watch this than the finale of MASH. Hope this one ends better

 For full impact, Obama should be chased onstage for his swearing in by thousands of screaming teenage girls ala "A Hard Day's Night"

Luis Saldana
lsaldanamd Ultimate test of our country's bandwidth/infrastructure.

Laureen Velez
jedinite216 as i watch the hubbub today -- i am struck bny the fact that papa bush looks like The Penguin from Batman
Josh Halliday
joshhalljourno I want to hear more about this 27yr old 'Whizz-kid' who co-writes Obama speeches and coined 'Yes We Can

Jason Young
jasonryoung People already chanting Obama-it's as if he a savior-a little much I think

earmstrong Think its cool to see Obama kids with their own cameras capturing history from their perspective.

Matt Hood
mantene Booing? That is not very classy people. :( I know you don't like him but let's be classy

Kyle Romero
ohsnapitskyle EXCITEMENT BUILDING. THIS IS COOL AS FUCK. Also, excitement building is my new name for the White House.

iggyp For the first time in a very long time, I am very proud to be an American. U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!

Ashlie: MommyCosm
MommyCosm whenever they show the view of the crowds from the podium, all I can say is WOW

mvwilliams Ah heck! Don't make me cry! watching Obama walk out, ittybitty flags waving. Looks like an Impressionist painting as you look down the Mall.

jtoeman i keep getting this weird feeling that something important is happening today... something about a mall... must be a big sale somewhere? hmm 

Amanda Cepero
acepero Cheney out. Biden in. One down, one to go.

Chris M. Lindsey
clindsey They might be running late, but Barack Obama is now President of the United States, as it is noon.

tenebris It's official: almost the entire office has come out to watch the inauguration happen. And this is why I love working here. Pie and TV!

Questo of The Roots
qoolquest did cnn just ruin this shit by announcing barack is technically president now that its 12? aka now that we are running 4 mins late?

Azimel Dammit. Is anyone ripping the inauguration properly? I really want what was just being played on .mp3.

D.A. (S.E.) McDonald
davidalexanderm Awwww, he's nervous!

Tougelabs And he's fucking shit up already.

Brian Fehrle
AddictedToSoda So this is how Liberty dies, with thunderous applause.

Travitt Hamilton
travitt The era of competence and complete sentences has begun.

eliesheva the question is whether our government works

AaronsBooks man can he speak or what??? think GWB knows he and his governance are being dissed in this speech.. or is it too over his head? :)

ArtMusingsNY whoah, did non-believers just receive a shout out?

Eric Suesz
supereric "...what you can build, not what you destroy." "... unclench your fist". Brilliant!

Nic McPhee
NicMcPhee Curiosity as a key American virtue?!? Makes me want to go teach a class!

Nicholas Franklin
nickfranklin Ok. Now. Let's get to work.

Carlos Pedraza
cpedraza @JesseNewhart "Take out your pencils and begin"

Justin Boggs
Justin_Boggs So far the closing prayer is far better than the opening one.

Jonathan G
jogarzon Good luck Obama!


Unknown said...

Thanks for quoting me, Alex!

--carlos (@cpedraza)

Amanda Cepero said...

Hi! Thank you for the quote.

- Amanda
