After a long day, I enjoy listening to music. It's nice. My guilty pleasure lately? The Mulan Soundtrack.
In other thoughts.... (warning, stream of consciousness ahead)
The presentation tonight to SGA about establishing a solution for programs for credit went really well tonight. I know I'm bad about censoring and filtering what I say, but sometimes others are simply appalling. I'm not ready for this test tomorrow, all the people I've talked to say that these tests are super hard. I need to justify going to Las Vegas as a field trip. (Somebody please feel free with helping me on this.) Driving to Denver tomorrow, w/ a passenger I just briefly met in the parking lot, could be interesting. Looking forward to seeing a friend over the weekend. I don't understand why people would want to participate in a sport where pain is how you know the equipment is fitting correctly. (skiing) Seriously people, what the heck.
Ok- Time to stop stalling, start packing, and maybe I'll get all the studying I want done. Wish me luck!
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