Friday, February 29, 2008

Dinner Out

Had dinner out with friends tonight.  It was kind of random and lots of fun.
Whoo hoo chinese food!

Thursday, February 28, 2008


I know it's cheating.  Today I didn't really do anything.  Well, I did discover another show online that I really like.  So I watched it a lot.  I'll let you guess you the title.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Best Res Hall EVER

Ute Hall rocks.  I'm chilling out tonight, changing out of my SGA clothes and I hear someone not running, not walking, sounds like... bouncing down the hall, pounding indiscriminately on doors.  Words I hear during this clamor are "exercise time!" and "Russell Simmons!".  So very perplexing.

Turns out that downstairs was a great party.  Everybody dancing along to an old Russell Simmons video tape.  The fact that everybody dressed up, they danced along, they had an awesome time, they want to do it again, maybe with a Tae-Bo tape.  This is the best place to live on campus.  Wish I had more free time to play too.  

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I'm taking this Psych testing class.  It's pretty cool, I even get to practice administering tests.  Today I gave a freshman an old version of an IQ test, the WAIS-R.  Pretty cool stuff.  Tomorrow I get to give the same test to her twin sister.  Results should be interesting.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Wow...Time Flies

Today I reserved my cap and gown for graduation.  Pretty crazy really.  

Sunday, February 24, 2008


So... one of my jobs at Western is lifeguard.  I got certified last year and have been watching the daily "back and forth" quite a bit this semester.  (I watch mostly lap swim. Get it?  Back and forth?)  Oh, shove it, it's funny and you know it.

Moving on.  Today was an in-service day, we practiced CPR on the crazy annie that measures everything and grades you.  Don't think I'm paranoid, this dummy is really smart.  It measures how fast and how much air you put in for the rescue breaths.  It records not only where you place your hands but to what depth your compressions go.  It has a thing to make it feel like there really is a pulse.  Creepy, no?  Anyway, I passed, had some fun.  The pool manager took us all out for dinner afterwords.  I even managed to do pretty well, what with the other guard trying to drown me.  Ha.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Kitty Sitting

I'm kitty sitting for a friend this weekend.  Cute cat.  Very sharp claws.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Night Out

Not a posed picture.

Went out for a night on the town w/ S & her work friends.  Not the greatest time, but fairly entertaining.  It was my first night in a long, long time as DD.  Not that much fun.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Looking back on the day - the picture doesn't really even make sense.  Today was a pretty good day.  High points include a great first constitution and bylaws meeting, the last day of swim lessons.  Low points are of course the last day of swim lessons, uncontrollable phone calls.  

Today in class I folded little origami flowers out of Starburst wrappers.  Very colorful.  

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Month One of 365 - Recap

Oh yeah, I almost forgot.  I've been taking 365 pictures for more than a month now!  I saw something really cool over at another blog, who unfortunately I cannot locate right now.  Maybe later.
Anyway I would like to present a recap of the first month of 365 photos:

Goofs On Snow

Snowbased is a fun, fun class.  Well, it has been lately, probably because I've been getting to snowboard a good amount.  Had a couple good falls today, one that left several bruises.  Oooh pretty.  :) 

I really enjoy this class because it has three awesome people in it.  Every day we goof around and have fun.  So todays picture of the day is of the three in the great "school" I get to attend.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

PC is Dead

Well, dead in a "I can't believe this group that I have been so committed to the past year-and-a-half is now boring me to death and not what at all what I originally loved at all."

What do I do now?  Is this a natural evolution in my student life?  Is this me starting to disengage from Western because I know I'm not here too much longer?  Or is this more along the lines of frustration finally coming to fruition?  I don't know which I would prefer.  In my perfect world I would not even have to make this decision.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Lazy Day

Lazy day today.  I had some plans, but decided sleeping was just as good.  Fun.  

Pic of the day today is from when I arrived at work and realized that I had not completed my work for the class I TA in.  So I did that work pretty much all night.  Ok.  Here you go.

(Notice the green pen)

Oh yeah.  I also realized today that one of the students who lived on my floor last year is officially now starting his Marine Corps boot camp experience.  Please think good thoughts for him.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Look Paula!

365 pic of the day is actually part of a long and snow-covered story.  I'll put up the pic, then tell you the story.

Picture: "Tools of Today"

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Meeting Day

It's been a while since I was at CSU.  I think the last time I was there I was visiting a friend and thinking about going to school there.  


Today I ended up at CSU for a meeting of the Associated Students of Colorado.  I think it went pretty well.  Two senators from Western came with me.  They seemed to enjoy/learn/be overwhelmed with it all.  Par for the course really.

So I present you with today's pic of the day.  Awesome senators in front of a huge student union.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Hero of Today is: Joe

Today's hero is Joe.  Joe is very brave.  I think he might be better than me at interacting with my family.  He made it through dinner, even came out bowling w/ some of the siblings and I, overall very impressive.  

I do feel bad though because my mom is all crazy about the "is he a friend/boyfriend, what" question.  Unfortunately there were people around me when she asked and I couldn't just say what I wanted to.  (No mom, still queer.)  Can't blame her for hoping I guess.  

So today's pic of the day is from bowling.  Joe and Luke bonded over shooting clowns in the video game.  I guess I shouldn't be terribly surprised, they are the same age and have similar senses of humor.  I'm glad.

Tomorrow should be interesting.  Big meeting with two people who have never been, trying to get the "front range friends" together for some fun.  Ft. Collins and the stellar drive that includes.  Whoo Hoo.  Whatever.  Time to sleep.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Nothing Says Valentines Day Like A Chili Cook-Off

Hurrah Chili!  People in the union, free samples, votes, the sound of recipes being traded, the reassurance that the mojitos are, in fact, virgin.  I'll get to those pictures later. 

The picture of the day actually has nothing to do with the chili cook-off.  It's a bit more traditional.  Yummy yummy cookies that someone made in the union.  This is a perfect example of why it is so important and beneficial to walk in all offices and get acquainted with people.  Occasional free tasty food.  Mmmm...

Pic of the day:

Now for some Cook-Off Pics!

A beautifully decorated table.  You can't see it, but this table is right by the copier in the union.  Chili Cook-Off day means that electrical outlets are prime space for table set up.

Some clever multi-tasking in action.  Eat Chili!  Study abroad!  Whoo!

A tropical theme.  I believe the chili was named "Castaway Chili" or something.  Good stuff. 

Get it?  The chili has deer meat.  Ha ha ha!  Puns.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Great Day In Class

Class today was really really awesome.  In fact, it was so awesome that the picture of the day is one of the pictures I took during class.  Here you go.

In fact, I enjoyed class so much I took other pictures.  Would you like to see them?
Here you go:

Ummm... So we get a little bored on the way to Monarch it can be a lengthy drive.

Those are my buddies.  We were practicing on the bunny hill for a little while.

Riding the lift is fun!

Ok, so maybe twisting around on these little chairs is not brilliant, 
but it's a pretty good picture.

At the top of one of the lifts.  Just a nice view.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Photo of the Day - Late

Yeah, it's late.  Sorry.

I know this picture is kind of odd because it's a bunch of other pictures.  It's still special to me.  I find myself often just looking at those photos, thinking about SGA's of the past.  It's kind of...I don't know, inspiring.  I've had every intention of putting photos from this year up, it just hasn't happened yet.  I dunno.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Sick Day

I don't enjoy being sick.  Today I spent 5 hours sleeping through the afternoon.  What's with that?  So today's photo is the place that I have spent most of my day.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

AH, Home

It's nice to get back home and go out to dinner w/ my girlfriend.  Hurrah!

I apologize  that the quality is not so awesome, it's a camera-phone picture.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

A Great Day

Today was amazing!  I got to have so many great conversations w/ friends that I haven't seen/talked to nearly as much as I would like.  I played a great game of black light putt-putt golf with my little brothers.  

There is a picture that I wish I could have gotten, and others that aren't as great as I wish it was.  But overall, it was really hard to pick just one photo of the day.

Here you go-

Resource Deprived

Gunnison doesn't have a bowling alley.  
It was lots of fun going w/ D tonight.  
He won one game, so did I.  
Hanging out with siblings is fun!

Thursday, February 7, 2008


I'm in Denver tonight.  The Board of Trustees meeting is here tomorrow, so I get to stay in this sweet hotel.  Way fancier than any hotel I've ever stayed in.  It wasn't bad enough that I was already stunned and in shock about being in the city, dealing with traffic and not staring at snow.  Try figuring out how valet works and walking into a hotel where everyone is dressed up.  It felt so awkward.

I saw tonight's picture while hanging out with my friend downtown.  Look closely at the three offices and particularly the furniture and location in each office.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


After a long day, I enjoy listening to music.  It's nice.  My guilty pleasure lately?  The Mulan Soundtrack.

In other thoughts.... (warning, stream of consciousness ahead)

The presentation tonight to SGA about establishing a solution for programs for credit went really well tonight.  I know I'm bad about censoring and filtering what I say, but sometimes others are simply appalling.  I'm not ready for this test tomorrow, all the people I've talked to say that these tests are super hard.  I need to justify going to Las Vegas as a field trip.  (Somebody please feel free with helping me on this.)  Driving to Denver tomorrow, w/ a passenger I just briefly met in the parking lot, could be interesting.  Looking forward to seeing a friend over the weekend.  I don't understand why people would want to participate in a sport where pain is how you know the equipment is fitting correctly.  (skiing)  Seriously people, what the heck.

Ok- Time to stop stalling, start packing, and maybe I'll get all the studying I want done.  Wish me luck!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Drumming of the Fingers

Todays picture was taken in my Philosophy and Ethics of Recreation class.  It's a cool class, we get into some great discussions.  Not quite the picture I wanted, but trying to keep it low key you take what you can get.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Africa Night

Tonight was Africa night at WSC.  From the very small amount of time that I was there it was pretty cool.  The rest of the time I was working the front desk outside the ballroom so I could still hear everything that was going on.  One of the loudest and most fascinating portions of the evening was the drummers present.  They were really really awesome.

Africa night is a fundraiser for the student group going to Kenya to help with the K.E.E.P. Butterfly Project.  It is a very cool deal.  Click HERE for more details.

I thought it was fitting that the pic of the day be from Africa night.   So here you go.

I is a smart cookie. says so.

Your IQ Is 120
Your Logical Intelligence is Above Average
Your Verbal Intelligence is Exceptional
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius
Your General Knowledge is Exceptional

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Arches Natl. Park

Wow.  What a beautiful area.  We stumbled on this arch, it's called "Wall Arch".  The lack of snow wasn't bad either.  

Friday, February 1, 2008

First Day Traveling

We saw this and were stunned.  Why does anyone need to put testicles on their truck?  
Please, if you know, tell me.

Gone Traveling

Let me assure you, I am taking plenty of pictures.  You just might not see them until Sunday.  I don't know if I'll be able to hop online the next couple of nights.  Don't panic.

Have a great weekend!

P.S.- As always, if you want a postcard, send me an email.